BEST PRICE ONLINE for 2024-25!
Best CEU Deal Online for Athletic Trainers !!!
Order Now — Complete later by December 2025
ASOP has done it again for ATs in 2024!
Can’t travel? Professional Development budget reduced?
Always FREE for NBCOS Members
Our Research shows the AT wants more specialization in orthopedics! MORE COURSE TOPICS coming in early 2024…
50+ CEU Ortho Bundle for ATs
Access through December 2025- 2024 REPORTING CYCLE HAS STARTED
- Normally $297 – LIMITED TIME OFFER – ACT NOW

10 CEUs – Axial Skeleton
10 CEUS – Appendicular

10 Category A CEUs

10 CEUs – Lower Extremities
10 CEUS – Upper Extremities

10 Category A CEUs

2 Category A CEUs

10 Category A CEUs
Orthopedic Specialty Package for all 50+ Category A CEUs
All Courses Approved for Athletic Trainers!
BOC APPROVED for Athletic Trainers! [P120]
Certificate of Completion immediately available via download and emailed directly to you.
Unlimited Time and Unlimited Retakes to achieve the pass point.
LOWEST COST ANYWHERE online for this HUGE BUNDLE of Category A CEUs
Want to order individually? CLICK HERE ($39 each – Just Bundle It and Save $$$)
SAVE $100s if not $1000s on professional development for yourself or your faculty staff.
Want to BUY BULK PACKAGES for YOUR team members? Contact us at asop.CEUS@gmail.com
Personalized Home Study Portal provided to access all courses!
TEXTBOOKS NOT PROVIDED WITH PURCHASE (See FAQs below – only Ortho Casting Splinting pdf/videos provided)

American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (BOC AP#: P120) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers.
ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.
*ASOP Ortho Casting & Splints pdf provided with videos
50+ CEU Ortho Bundle for ATs
Access thru December 2025- 2024 REPORTING CYCLE HAS STARTED
- Normally $297 – LIMITED TIME OFFER – ACT NOW
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a few answers to our most common questions.
When can I start these home study courses and how long are courses/bundle available?
All courses are listed in the BOC Approved Provider portal (P120) as Category A home study.
This bundle package is available for through December 2025 (Janaury 1, 2024 to December 31 2025].
REMINDER – Those in good standing with membership and/or CEU portal purchases, your individual course or BUNDLE purchase is valid through December 31 2025. Rest assured on or about November 15th 2025, you will receive an email to renew bundle option for 2026-27. Please remember that CEU courses are always FREE for NBCOS members in good standing.
Have questions? Contact our ASOP CEU Support Team at asop.CEUs@gmail.com
Can you provide the course description?
These courses are designed specifically for the Athletic Trainer seeking/advancing professional development in the orthopedic specialty area. Additionally, these courses serve as a valuable resource to initiate or continue the educational framework directed towards specialty practice considerations in orthopedic clinical practice.
Why should an Athletic Trainer take this course?
Here’s the short answer… ITS CHEAP and BOC APPROVED – lowest on the web
The orthopedic clinical practice setting is a great opportunity for the AT and these courses align with the competency framework in orthopedic clinical practice…and some will directly recognize the “educational Need and practice gap” in their professional development….
Irrespective of the ever-expanding body of knowledge detailing the effectiveness of evidence-based intervention by the AT, a gap often exists between what is known and what is actually incorporated into clinical practice. Ongoing, continuing education by the healthcare provider has been an important mechanism to bridge the gap between research and practice in an effort to benefit the patient and overall outcomes.
Are these Courses Approved by the BOC?
As stated above, The American Society of Orthopedic Professionals (BOC AP#: P120) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program.
Feel free to search this course in the Home Study listing located on the BOC website under Candidates and search “P120”.
How will I receive my "Certificate of Completion"?
By receiving a score of 70% of better (pass point), your “Certificate of Completion” will be immediately available via download and will be sent to the email address you used to register for the home study course.
How is the textbook available?
In an effort to keep this course package at such a reasonable price, lowest $$$ on the internet for a 50+ CEU pack – we do NOT send you the program textbooks*.
However, from inside your personalized CEU home study portal > Notifications, we provide the ISBN reference information for your convenience to purchase on Amazon, eBay etc. or a colleague may be a good resource to ask if they have this reference in their professional library 😉
For example, Arnold. B., & Schilling, B. (2017). Evidence Based Practice in Sport and Exercise: A Practitioner’s Guide to Using Research. FA Davis: Phila, PA. ISBN-13: 978-0803640283 ISBN-10: 0803640285
*Please note, we do provide the pdf text for the Orthopedic Casting and Splinting Course (10 CEUs)
By following the instructions on each quiz start page and initiating the course questions, you acknowledge that you have reviewed the required textbook reference(s) associated with these home study courses.
How many quiz questions are required?
ASOP utilizes the “Mergener Formula” as directed by BOC guidelines to create all home study courses. Rest assured, we have it calculated down to the individual word count and question number.
You have UNLIMITED TIME and ATTEMPTS to achieve a passing score of 70%
Must I attempt all the quiz questions in one sitting?
No. Once registered with access, you can enter and exit the quiz platform at your convenience. You simply answer the question on the page and then press the button, “PAUSE” at the bottom of any quiz page and your answers are saved – just log back into your CEU portal to easily return to your home study quiz at a later time.
Have questions? Contact our ASOP CEU Support Team at asop.CEUs@gmail.com
Why is this course so cheap? What's the catch? What if I have support questions?
We recognize these are stressful economic times – with professional travel monies uncertain, we want to make it economical for any professional budget!
As an FYI, ASOP gave away our 2021 EBP course to over 6000+ Athletic Trainers during covid mandates – we are here FOR YOU!
Remember CEUs are FREE for our existing NBCOS and ASOP members in good standing.
Purchase now and finish the courses later through Dec 31 2025*. HINT HINT – end of current reporting cycle!
There are no strings attached. We want to provide you with an economically feasible option and eliminate any financial stress during these difficult times as we support your ongoing professional development needs.
ASOP has a full support team available. Have questions? Contact our ASOP CEU Support Team at asop.CEUs@gmail.com
Yes, we will respond ASAP even on the weekends or evenings.
*orthopedic specialty package courses available for purchase and completion until December 31 2025
Can I buy courses individually?
You are welcome to purchase courses individually, but our ASOP Bundle is by far the best price – please check back soon for course library selections.
NOTE: When you renew access, course and course BUNDLE purchases are valid through December 31 2025. On or about November 15th 2025, you will receive an email to renew bundle option for 2026-27. Yes we know thats way out in the future! Please remember that CEU courses are always FREE for NBCOS members in good standing.
Have questions? Contact our ASOP CEU Support Team at asop.CEUs@gmail.com
DISCLAIMER: ASOP/NBCOS disclaims any and all liability or damages resulting to any individual(s) for claims, which may arise from the knowledge use/application detailed herein of any healthcare provider, whether these claims be asserted by a physician, other clinician/provider, or any other person.
The user takes full and exclusive responsibility for the safe application of any information contained herein. In the event that the user elects to purchase any instrumentation, any/all exercises are performed exclusively at the user’s risk.
Always review and follow your hospital policy.
This information is for educational and informational purposes only. All individuals must follow existing laws and other regulatory requirements and are required to abide by relevant statutes and regulations.
American Society of Orthopedic Professionals
© ASOP 2025